12 December 1861: “…the militia of this State shall not be required to assemble for the purpose of drill and muster, more than once in each month, except for battalion or regimental muster.”

Item description: North Carolina’s Secession Convention passed this ordinance to regulate how often local militias could be drilled or mustered.

Item transcription:

[No. 18.]

To assemble once a month.

Be it ordained by this Convention, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That the militia of this State shall not be required to assemble for the purpose of drill and muster, more than once in each month, except for battalion or regimental muster. [Ratified the 12th day of December, 1861.]

[To read more from this volume, click here.]

Item citation: Ordinances and resolutions passed by the State Convention of North Carolina. Raleigh, N.C. : John W. Syme, Printer to the Convention, 1862. VC342.2 1862o, from the North Carolina Collection, Wilson Library, UNC Chapel Hill.

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