Lawrence Gellert scrapbook, 1930s.

Creator: Gellert, Lawrence, 1898-1979, collector.
Collection number: 4442
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Abstract: A 191-page typed manuscript called “Tales of One Time I’shman Told by Southern Negroes,” collected by Lawrence Gellert and apparently prepared for publication by the Hours Press, New York. The manuscript contains about seventy folk-tales told by African-Americans in the South about Irish immigrants to the area. Included are thirty-six pen and ink illustrations by Gellert.

Repository: Southern Historical Collection

Collection Highlights: A collection of tales told to Gellert by African Americans. Entitled Tales of One Time I’shman Told by Southern Negroes, the volume expresses African-American experiences with Irish immigrants.

One Reply to “Lawrence Gellert scrapbook, 1930s.”

  1. Most of the time we think of a scrapbook having pictures, newspaper articles, and other documents from our history. This scrapbook couldn’t be prepared that way as the history had to come from stories handed down from one generation to the other, sometimes written but most told. Still, this is a scrapbook of people, the events they had, and a history that needed to be recorded.

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